Welcome to the Makipedia of Anno Ruini Universe. Here you can find latest information about books by Ryu Zhong as well as lots of additional information about the worlds of Anno Ruini, its geography, culture, society, technology, magic, and, of course, characters.
¶ Takuan from KotoStart with a short story available on the Anno Ruini website: Here, in the Makipedia, you can find information about Takuan’s world: |
Makipedia is an encyclopedia created by the author themselves as well as by the community of readers. The name comes from 巻 (Wiktionary) meaning ‘book’ or ‘scroll’.
First pages were created by Ryū Zhong, but the rest is up to the readers to be filled.
If you are one of the few lucky beta-readers, please contact the author. They will give you access to the 'secret area' where you can discuss the book before it goes public.
Yours, Ryū Zhong.